
What's going on in 2023?

5v5 Flag
7v7 Touch
9v9 Hybrid
11v11 Tackle
5v5 Girls Flag
March 2 - Girls Flag Footall Camp
July 20 - CSU Defensive Camp
August 17 - GIRLS Flag Camp
August 4, 11, 18 Pre Season Skills
SUMMER - Sports Performance
Position Training - LOVELAND
7v7 Touch
9v9 Hybrid
5v5 Girls Flag
5v5 Boys Flag
5v5 Adult Flag
7v7 Touch
March 30 - CSU
5v5 Girls Flag
March 30 - CSU
7v7 Touch
June 1 - CSU
5v5 Girls Flag
June 1 - CSU
7v7 Touch
June 22 - CU
5v5 Flag
June 22 - CU
5v5 Girls Flag
June 22 - CU

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Whats going on in 2024?

Become a Referee Youth Football

The Evolution of Football

A Game For Everyone!



To inspire and develop the leaders of tomorrow. 

Football Player Development

We call the journey of player development, The Evolution of Football. It is designed for all ages, genders and skill levels. Jump in at any point, evolve to the next game type or take one type of game play to the highest level. There are no limits.


Partnered with the NFL, CSU, NFCA and USA Football, we have “A Game for Everyone.” 

  • 5v5 NFL Flag Football
  • 7v7 Football Options
  • 9v9 Hybrid Football
  • 11 Man Tackle Football

The Academy of Noco Football

Additionally, The Academy of Noco Football is designed to offer ongoing athletic skill development and training year round. 

Let’s go!

Noco Football – Powered by Elite Youth Sports

Game Types


What people are saying!

Elite Youth Sports is fantastic!!! Our son played tackle and flag football this season and had an absolute blast! Very organized and provided various communication platforms such as the Sports Engine App, Facebook, Website and Email. The Coaches and staff not only care about the kids by providing an encouraging environment, they also provide opportunity for all to play based on skill level and care about the feedback from parents. They are committed to continuous improvement and providing a great experience for the whole family. We highly recommend Elite Youth Sports!
Great organization! I look forward to getting my son involved - their values align with what we stand for as a family as well as local biz owners.
Testimonial Image
Danielle Bruce
Business Owner - Mom
Great product for all talent across the NOCO region! I not only am a Head Coach but also have kids who play flag and tackle in the league - there is no better program for character development, skill training and growth as athletes and young people. We love you!
Testimonial Image
Coach P
Head Coach
We would love for you to get involved!

Coach, Referee, Managers, Game day!

We are always looking for good people to join our team. Volunteer positions and paid positions available. Contact us or Register today!

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